Fraudulent Schemes and Artifices in Arizona: Everything You Need To Know
Fraudulent schemes are categorized in a variety of ways and come with serious consequences. Overall a fraudulent scheme is anytime you provide false information in order to get some kind of benefit. That could be tricking someone into sending money to a made up auction, stealing someone’s identity, creating falsified documents, and more.
If you or a loved one is charged with fraudulent schemes and artifices, then you need to know what consequences they face and how an Arizona attorney can help. There are various levels of consequences based on the intensity of the crime, and you will likely be facing jail time as well as probation.
In this article, we will explain what exactly a fraudulent scheme and artifice is and what to do if you or a loved one is convicted of either.
What is a Fraudulent Scheme and Artifices?
According to Arizona law 13-2310, a fraudulent scheme is anytime someone gets benefits from using false information to obtain said benefits. Anyone who has created a fraudulent scheme they have lured someone in with false promises in order to obtain a benefit such as money or goods.
Fraudulent Schemes could include but are not limited to, credit card fraud, identity theft, selling fraudulent drugs, and more. A fraudulent charge can even involve using stolen gift cards. Anytime you trick someone into giving you goods, services, or money or you produce false information can get you accused of a fraudulent scheme.
In Arizona, the list of crimes that could fall under the fraudulent umbrella is large and vast. You can be charged for a fraudulent scheme if you commit check fraud, all the way up to using extortion or gaining hundreds of thousands of dollars. There are several other fraudulent schemes that can get you into trouble, and they can include the following.
Seeking property that benefits yourself by using threats to harm that person or sharing secrets or information. Pretty much, extortion is threatening to do something in the future if someone doesn’t get what they need.
Money Laundering
Using an intermediary to transition money from dirty or illegally obtained money to money that has completely different serial numbers ad can be used without an issue.
Creating a false document and signing a document that has false information. For example, forging a document that says you have earned something like a certificate or diploma.
Bribery can be considered a fraudulent scheme or artifice(trick) in Arizona on both sides as the one committing the act and if you are a public official who accepts a bribe. A bribe simply means that you are promising a good or service in place of a vote or favor.
Besides fraudulent schemes involving holding documents or money in your hand, there are also plenty of schemes that can happen online. As our world becomes more and more digital, online fraudulent schemes are becoming more common.
Auction Fraud
Creating an online auction that is fake to obtain access to money from others that think they are getting a specific product or service.
Computer Tampering
Altering something on a computer without prior authorization, adding viruses to a computer, or committing fraud by getting access to information that will benefit you financially or in another way.
Without including all of the different fraudulent schemes listed above, there are still plenty of other ways that someone can commit fraud.
What Are The Consequences for Fraudulent Schemes?
The consequences for fraudulent schemes vary according to if the person being charged has any prior convictions the consequences will likely increase. Also, if you created fraudulent schemes that cost upwards of 100,000 dollars, then you will automatically spend time in jail.
A fraudulent scheme as a first offense is considered a class two felony, and you will face such consequences. Consequences include being put on probation. Depending on the severity of your first offense, you could spend from one year up to twelve years in jail.
The consequences for fraudulent schemes and artifices differ depending on the amount of money someone gained during the transaction and will change depending on the severity of the fraud.
What To Do if You are Charged with a Fraudulent Scheme?
If you or someone you know are a victim of a fraudulent scheme or charged with fraudulent behavior, it is important to reach out for help. Fraudulent schemes are pretty much someone lying to get benefits from you in one way or another.
Knowing all of the ins and outs of the law can be confusing and it can be difficult to narrow down how to get you a lessened sentence or what you need to recover from a fraudulent scheme.
Overall, there are multiple factors that the law is looking for when trying to charge you with a fraudulent scheme. One is that you obtained some kind of benefit in one way or another. Another is that you received the benefit because of lying and creating a fraud in some way. Lastly is that they were both involved in the fraud committed.
Being charged with a fraudulent scheme or artifices in Arizona is not something to be taken lightly. Law enforcement in Arizona has a zero-tolerance policy for fraudulent schemes and getting charged with such can land you in some serious consequences.
There are several ways that an Arizona attorney can come in and help you defend your case. By laying out all of the details of your case an attorney can narrow down what pieces of information can be brought up in court to defend you and your case. For example, if you weren’t read your Miranda rights, that can be brought up in court and may get you a lesser sentence. If the person who accused you of fraud has a long sheet of lying, this can also work in your favor. An Arizona attorney will know exactly what to look for to help defend you in the best way possible.
Reaching out to a knowledgeable Arizona attorney will help you to know that you are getting all of the help you can get and get you on a firm foundation to get the help you need.
Fraudulent schemes are anything that has to involves tricking someone into providing you services, goods, or money. A fraudulent scheme can involve falsifying documents, stealing identities, and more both online and in-person in order for you to benefit in some way.
In Arizona and any other state all over the country, being convicted of fraudulent schemes and artifices are seriously punishable offense that has plenty of consequences. You will likely be on parole as well as face jail time, but having an attorney on your side can help ease the consequences you may face and get you the help you need.
Arizona has a zero-tolerance policy for both fraudulent schemes and artifices. Because it is such a punishable offense, finding someone to represent you is crucial. There are so many ins and outs of Arizona law that having someone on your side who knows the law inside and out will be incredibly beneficial.